What is needed for a Successful Video Marketing strategy:  

 1: Youtube Channel:  Having a Youtube channel is an absolute necessity for gaining an online presence and being found in a website search. For those of you who may not know it, Google OWNS Youtube and therefore, they will favor and rank a video post higher than a text or image post alone.

2: A professional website:  A website has many functions. It can be viewed as a place to send potential customers to see a “portfolio of your work”. A professional website can actually draw people in and engage them with the message of your business. An optimized website has the ability to attract potential clients. 

 3: Landing page: A landing page is a one page website. A landing page is most commonly used to offer the viewer an incentive offer in exchange for giving you their name and contact information. A landing page can also be used to announce a special event or promote a new product launch.  Once a client lands on your landing page, they can be redirected to your website or any other site you wish to promote for yourself. 

A landing page will have an optin form which, when the viewer fills out, will give you permission to add them to your email or newsletter list.

3: Calendly, Acuity or any other booking appt calendar:  A simple way for people to book an appointment with you or book your services.

4: Autoresponder: such as GetResponse, Constant Contact , Aweber, MailChimp: Allows you to automate email or newsletter campaigns and stay in contact with your new subscribers.

5: E Book or “Offer”:  EBooks are simple to create and are wonderful free giveaways as free downloads. Everyone loves a free gift.

6: Videos: Photos are awesome marketing tools and text blog posts are powerful as well. But when you add an professional video to your website, landing page, email, newsletter ,or  social media posts…you will attract and engage your audience turning them from a viewer into a buyer.

Videos can be created for you quickly, affordably, and professionally so that your business can gain the spotlight and get the edge on your competition. VideoMagic Productions is your One Stop video shop for any type of video production service. Call Bonnie at 661-755-1699 for more information and see how we can help you achieve your business goals today.