We live in a fast-paced society where people have become impatient and skeptical. Instant gratification, I want it Now. And Skepticism, because everyone you meet seems to want to SELL you something.

Therefore, how does a small business owner rise above the skepticism, the instant rejection or turn-off, the “What’s in it for Me”? attitudes prevalent in today’s world and marketplace?

You will find that one reason most people will not buy your product or service is because they have already turned off their attention when you tried to “sell” it to them. If you don’t grab someone’s attention in the first few seconds of speaking with them, you have lost them.
So you ask, how do I grab someone’s attention if I don’t tell them about my company, my product, my service? Isn’t that what I am there for, to sell?

Well, the answer is a little bit of yes but a lot of NO. When you meet someone who might possibly be interested in your business, the quickest way to lose that interest is to talk about You and your products. No One is interested in hearing someone brag about themselves. Boring.
But if you show a true, keen interest in the other person BEFORE you even begin to talk about business, their defenses will start to lower.
Ask questions, rather than talking at them. Be truly interested in what they are saying. And then, when it is your turn, share a story about what makes you tick to show them you are just a human being, not a selling machine.

What will make you unique and differentiate you from all the others who sell your same service or product is YOU. Therefore, sharing stories about why you started your business, your passions, your hope for the future, your family, your upbringing will humanize you. The person listening will begin to think of you as a friend, someone they can trust and confide in.

People want to do business with those they know, like and TRUST. Become a person who exudes those qualities and watch your business grow.

Now you might ask, what does all this have to do with VIDEO?

When you create a video promo that shares your heart, message and story, the viewer will become engaged and will feel that warmth and honesty.

You must bring your true self forward and capture your essence on video. The video will bring you interested, engaged viewers who will begin to think of you as their “go to” person. The more videos you produce about yourself and ultimately your business, will begin to have people perceive you as an Expert in your field

Especially helpful videos are “How to’s”, ‘Did you Know”, and “Tips of the Month” type special videos.
I know that many people are terribly afraid of being in front of the camera.

That is where I, Bonnie Keith, of Video Magic Productions Santa Clarita come into the picture.

My specialty is helping people relax in front of the camera so that their charisma and true personality will shine through.

For more information or to see how I can help you overcome your fear of video, contact me at: 661-755-1699 or email us now.

I look forward to helping you and watching your business grow.